Monday, July 19, 2004

Poem Q

It is sufficiently said Madam
That I think it noteworthy enough
That no more of it should ring our ears
As it would procure too much in vain
And leave us tainted through the years
In the old days you know
We stifled such assurances
And condemned such immodesty
Till it disappeared
Where then a friend
A dear friend
Was free to seek the proper council
But now
In these days
Where one is wont to go into the sun without an umbrella
Or where the sun can get to our earth without hesmatospheric interference
It is I that dares warns you
That the ease with which thou swines
Dilute the hush with gossip
May compromise
The sacredness of our classic hype
And condemn us all
To full exposure
Sensor thee, please
For the sake of posterities